• broken image



     “the right word may be effective,

     but no word was ever as effective

     as a rightly timed PAUSE"


      – MARK TWAIN




    Things have always gone relatively well for me, so I had this belief that I deserved all these good things: successful career, great family of origin, amazing partner, close friends. Then, when things stopped going perfectly, I took it so personally. The thoughts (and feelings) that I was to blame when everything was not going well made it so much harder.


    When I hit the bottom of my blame/shame spiral, I finally started seeking anything that pointed to something different. When I discovered Dr. AmyJohnson I started questioning if my thoughts and beliefs were completely true. So much has changed for me just by pausing in between a thought and believing it - that I want to help other people make pause-itive changes too.


    • Career & Leadership
    • Relationship Issues
    • Stress & Self-care
    • Self-blame
    • Young Adults (& growing up for all ages)
    • Health issues


    • Certified Change Coach
    • Doctor of Business Administration
    • Project Management Professional (PMP)
    • Applied Information Technology (AIT)



    Kelly says...

    She is incredibly easy to talk to and listens in a way that made me feelunderstood.

    Dave says...

    Becky listens to the part of you that you have innocently lost momentarily.

    Karli says...

    Becky is so open and genuine, and it is obvious that she cares about me.


    Contact Me for a complimentary PAUSEitive conversation to see if we are a good fit for each other!